UPDATE (May 2020): We’ve added two DLC maps with their Skyshard locations – Southern Elsweyr and Western Skyrim. UPDATE (May 2018): We’ve added two DLC maps with their Skyshard locations – Summerset and Clockwork City. UPDATE (April 2017): We’ve added four DLC maps with their Skyshard locations – Hew’s Bane, Gold Coast, Wrothgar and Imperial City. Each land of Tamriel has Skyshards to be collected and bellow you can find a map of Tamriel with each land linked to a special page containing map of ESO Skyshards and their locations with screenshots for each land.

Collect three and you get a skill point to invest however you like. There are also collectibles called Skyshards, which grant you one third of a skill point each time you find one. You can get these via getting levels and by finishing certain quests. The only way to be able to use all skills in your skill tree you need to acquire a lot of skill points. Skyshards are an integral part of ESO progression. The use of the gameplay and associated Elder Scrolls Online images in this video and any present in the thumbnail are believed to fall under the “fair use” clause of the United States of America copyright law.ESO Morrowind Skyshard locations map has been added to the guide and you can find a detailed walkthrough with screenshots showing how to find all the new skyshards in Vvardenfell. All trademarks and registered trademarks present in the gameplay and images associated with Elder Scrolls Online are proprietary to ZeniMax Online Studios and Bethesda Softworks, and the inclusion of them in this video does not imply affiliation with Dottz Gaming.